When I was training as a Life Coach, I decided that if I was going to invite my clients to step outside of their comfort zone, I needed to do so myself as well, I had to walk the talk, so to say. I wanted to find something that would need considerable effort on my behalf.
My fitness was at an all-time low, I had gained a size or so, and the idea of hiking up a mountain filled me with absolute dread. So, I set myself the challenge to hike one of New Zealand's Great Walks within 12 months.
Fear and habit have a way of whispering in our ear to make us stay where we are, they like to keep us sitting tight in our comfort zones, where we know everything, and feel at ease even when the comfort zone is far from perfect.
I encourage you to challenge yourselves this week, to do something new, or something just ever so slightly out of your comfort zone, to allow new energy to flow into your lives.