One to one Life Coaching:

Free 30-minutes phone or Zoom consultation to see if I’m the coach for you!

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If you’re on here, it’s because you are ready to change something in your life, even if you can’t quite pinpoint what exactly it is, yet.

Maybe it’s more balance you seek, maybe you have forgotten how it feels to be truly happy, maybe it’s a new challenge you’re after, maybe you could do with some parenting hacks, maybe it’s to help control your stress or anger, or maybe it’s simply for some self-love and healing. 

Whatever your reason, I can’t wait to hear about your journey and, in particular, where you’d like to head from here.

Regardless of the circumstances preceding this moment, we all have the power to achieve anything we set our minds to, and sometimes all we need is someone to believe in us, someone to help us overcome the fears and old beliefs that have held us back, and guide us to find our unique path. 

I know from experience that life throws us some very unexpected curveballs, and without wanting to, we can suddenly wake up one day and wonder “ how the hell did I get here?!” and , most importantly “how on earth do I get back to who and where I want to be?” 

We have all tried to use our own willpower to make changes - think New Year’s Eve resolutions- but changes using willpower alone, are very hard to uphold. 

That’s where I come in. As you coach, I will help you untangle those questions, break through old beliefs and together we will create a tangible pathway forward to an exciting new reality. 

The beauty of treating  yourself to a life coach is that creating change will be much easier, as it will be a direct result of your new mindset, rather than forced willpower.  And as your coach I will guide you through a step-by-step approach, as well as hold you accountable to the action steps you have set yourself, meaning that change will be deep, meaningful and long-lasting. 

I can’t wait to be at your side and witness you achieving your goals, finding deep happiness, and re-discovering your true purpose.

As your life coach I can help you:

  • achieve a positive mindset applicable to every area of your life
  • gain self-confidence and increase your self-belief
  • infuse happiness into your daily life
  • identify, plan and achieve your goals
  • discover and resolve subconscious conflicts or beliefs that are holding you back
  • create a future that is aligned with your values
  • understand how our mental, physical and emotional worlds interact and affect each other
  • improve your public-speaking and positive communication skills
  • apply new parenting strategies
  • discover mindfulness, breathing and stress-relief techniques.
This is a free 20 -30 minute call to check out your coach

FREE 20-30-Minute Consultation Voucher, to connect with your coach.

Unit price per



Coaching is forward-focused. It is about helping you discover the mental tools to go from where you are to where you want to be.

Life coaching is not therapy. As Life Coaches we do not diagnose and we do not replace your psychologist or medical practitioner.

Our job as coaches is to help you rediscover what is important to you in your life, what makes you truly happy, help you create goals, identify and resolve what is holding you back from achieving them, and help you identify the next steps toward a life that is joyful, fulfilled, meaningful, and one that is aligned with your values and strengths.


Coaches act as neutral thinking partners: we ask questions to extend your thinking so you may see things with new understanding and perspectives, and use coaching and NLP exercises and techniques to help you understand yourself on a deeper level. You will be surprised at the surge of new energy you will feel once you start taking action in your chosen direction!

Tools for Teens – Talks and Workshops in high schools

Tools  for Teens: HAPPINESS & HEALTHY MINDSET ; "Journey into Myself " One DAY OPTION

Tools for Teens: HAPPINESS & HEALTHY MINDSET ; "Journey into Myself " One DAY OPTION

Unit price per
Tools for Teens aims to give all Year 11 to Year 13 students a toolbox of practical, and easy to implement mindset techniques via an introductory talk, followed-up by workshops. I combine my unique drama -teaching background with life coaching skills to create these engaging, thought-provoking and fun workshops. This program is aimed at ALL senior students, regardless of their abilities, gender, and their cultural or socio-economic backgrounds.

Having taught teenagers for over twenty years, I am incredibly passionate about helping our young people navigate their confusing years of change, and inspiring them to live to their full potential.

According to recent statistics, the group of people in our society that feels most isolated and lonely today are no longer the elderly, but the young. In the words of our former Prime Minister, Jacina Ardern, during an address at Victoria University:

“Here we are, the most connected digitally that we have ever been (..) yet we are lonelier, we are more isolated, and we see more of our young people facing anxiety, depression and all of the hurt and pain that comes with that” Jacinda Ardern, October 2020. The Prime Minister’s Action Child Wellbeing Strategy released in August 2019, sets out 75 actions to increase support frameworks to address mental wellbeing for children and young people, including in schools.

As a qualified Life Coach and ex High School teacher, I can support your school's focus on wellbeing and life skills, by kickstarting and normalising the discussions around emotions and wellbeing, while offering them an experience as well as the theory behind it.

The aim is to offer students the tools to create positive mindsets for themselves, and have coping mechanisms up their sleeve when they hit stressful times. This will ultimately increase their ability to learn, as well as their overall wellbeing.
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Statistics show that as a society we urgently need to address mental and emotional wellbeing from an early age. While our society, as well as our school system, is well geared up to encourage students to work hard and succeed, this linear focus on success can leave many behind, and it could distort our perception of what is truly important in life as a whole.

These talks and workshops shift the focus from success to all-round happiness and holistic wellbeing. They help students understand themselves and their emotions better, give them mindset tools to deal with stress and difficult times, set positive goals, and set small action steps towards achieving those goals.

I can tailor the focus of the workshops to suit the school’s needs, and each workshop will go for 90- 120 min each, depending on the school's preference and time availability. The big point of difference is that Tools for Teens offers students the opportunity to experience powerful techniques for themselves, rather than just being given advice.

Having been a classroom teacher at a high school myself, I know what an incredibly important role teachers play in the wellbeing of students, and there are already ample resources made available by the Ministry of Education. I also know first-hand what immense pressure teachers are under already, and I am therefore looking forward to supporting schools and teachers with life coaching skills.

Tools For Teens  HAPPINESS AND HEALTHY MINDSET , A Journey into Myself, Two- day program: (Talk and six 90min workshops)

Tools For Teens HAPPINESS AND HEALTHY MINDSET , A Journey into Myself, Two- day program: (Talk and six 90min workshops)

$1,500.00 Regular price $1,600.00
Unit price per

Workshops for businesses

Would you like a really active, connected, focussed and happy team that is fully committed to their work and your company's goals? Would you like your team leaders to have excellent stress management techniques, display strong leadership skills and be masters of effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills? Look no further! Gift your company's employees and managers a welcome, fun, interactive boost in 2024!

Having worked and taught in the performance industry, I have a unique background to bring to the table, and a genuine understanding of teaching effective communication. 

  • Public Speaking tools and techniques
  • Customized Team Building programs
  • Effective verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Mindfulness techniques
  • Stress Management 
  • Teaching strategies
  • Resolving underlying tensions in your working environment
  • Positive communication and tools
  • Any other interrelational or life coaching aspect that would benefit your business.
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